Gadgitech is please to announce that we have teamed up with UK Robotics to deploy Revolution, one of the most powerful dynamic schedulers on the market at the moment.
Another Large Pharma Signed
We please to provide integration services to a large pharma based in, South San Francisco.
Gadgitech has established what we hope to be a long term relationship to meet the needs of one of the automation groups within their drug discovery and screening departments.
First client signed
Exciting news. Our first client as been signed. RTS Life science UK based out of Irlam Manchester has requested the services of Gadgitech Ltd in various European and United States based automation projects. Here’s looking forward to a prosperous relationship.
Gadgitech Ltd Is Born
The year 2007, the month, November.
Gadgitech Ltd has been incorporated in the UK to delve into the world of Robotics and automation. Specifically in the pharmaceutical and research domain.
So watch this space. Interesting projects to follow. If you need our help. feel free to drop us a note.
Here’s looking forward automating everything!